The Thousand-Blade Razor
We started with single-blades but have now ‘progressed’ to
five-blade razors, maybe even six while I type this. Simon, on Squawk on
the Street on CNBC, bragged the other day that his new razor had five-blades. Besides being a BritIdiot who
consistently gets it wrong, he again missed the conclusion Jim Cramer would
have seen in an instant. We’ve been sucked and the rhyme-word by
companies like P&G.
Single-blades shaved our fathers and grandfathers just
fine. So why are we paying
freaking high prices for multi-blades?
It is time some entrepreneur pushes P&G off the shelf with low cost
razors. I’m tired of finding that
replacement blades for last year’s razors are no longer available. Give me a consistently cheap
blade. What the hell do we have
China for if we can’t get our throats cut for less? Or should I just wait until we spend hundreds of dollars for the 'new' Thousand Blade Razor'?
Why am I writing you when I should be the guy who brings
common sense to the common man?